71 research outputs found

    Literary paremic loci in Salman Rushdie’s novels

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    The paper deals with the identification of proverbs in a literary text, which is believed to be the initial stage in the analysis of paremias in literary context and part and parcel of any paremiostylitic analysis. Proverbs manifest themselves in what the author calls a paremic locus. Paremias are present in a text on the formal level, where a particular proverb is signalled by its structure, either canonical or modified. Proverbs can be identified as well on the semantic plane, although in this case their presence is impossible to ascertain in objective terms. The author analyses the ten novels by Salman Rushdie, which all provide ample evidence of paremic loci

    Who Cooks Rushdie s Phraseological Geese?

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    Artykuł stanowi ocenę tłumaczenia frazeologizmów w książce Salmana Rushdiego The Ground Beneath Her Feet na język polski (Ziemia podje) stopami). Autor zwraca uwagę na różne aspekty tłumaczenia frazeologizmów: ich nierozpoznanie w tekście oryginału, pominięcie frazeologizmów w tłumaczeniu, błędny dobór polskich odpowiedników, zwraca uwagę na tłumaczenie ram frazeologicznych oraz problemy ekwiwalencji na poziomie modyfiakcji frazeologicznej

    Collocational aspects of False Friends

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    Dolnołużycka frazeologia somatyczna

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    The paper discusses selected Lower Sorbian idiomatic expressions with somatic components. The author talks about somatisms and somatic phraseology in general, as well as presents different types of idiomatic motivation. A theoretical section is followed by the presentation of a corpus of somatic idioms taken fromDolnoserbsko-nimski słownik/Niedersorbisch-deutsches Wörterbuch by Manfred Starosta. The analysis of the idiomatic expressions shows how Lower Sorbian somatic phraseological units make use of somatic lexemes, as well as demonstrates the various types of motivation behind the actual senses of the examined expressions

    Literary paremic loci in Salman Rushdie’s novels

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    The paper deals with the identification of proverbs in a literary text, which is believed to be the initial stage in the analysis of paremias in literary context and part and parcel of any paremiostylitic analysis. Proverbs manifest themselves in what the author calls a paremic locus. Paremias are present in a text on the formal level, where a particular proverb is signalled by its structure, either canonical or modified. Proverbs can be identified as well on the semantic plane, although in this case their presence is impossible to ascertain in objective terms. The author analyses the ten novels by Salman Rushdie, which all provide ample evidence of paremic loci

    Continuity in language: styles and registers in literary and non-literary discourse

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    Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed paperIntroduction: "Linguistic diversity captured with the terms style and register is of interest to literary theory and to linguistic theory, as both are concerned with how individuals and the multiple social groups and networks that they can simultaneously be members of articulate themselves and how they distinguish themselves from others, the reasons that speakers/writers may have for their choice of linguistic forms, the ways in which these linguistic forms can be creatively exploited in particular contexts as well as with the effects that the choices and departures from norms or conventions of use may have on the hearers/readers. Among the issues of common interest to literary and linguistic theory are the formal, cultural, historical, axiological, moral, ideological, social, psychological, hermeneutic, and other aspects of the structure, production and perception of language. These aspects are traditionally studied in relation to general concepts of convention and creativity, literalness and fictionality, objectivity and subjectivity, politeness and power, consensus and conflict, class and stigma, affect, personal identity and allegiance, and many others."(...